
Always supervise your pet when giving bones to make sure they chew appropriately. Discard any sharp edged pieces and those that could become a choking hazard. Always provide your pet with fresh water and encourage them to take breaks by removing the chew temporarily every 15 minutes. This helps prevent your pet from consuming too much at once and upsetting their stomach.

If your dog has had recent dental work or dental issues, make sure to consult your vet about your dog’s teeth before handing your dog a new bone. Learning your dog's chewing style and offering the appropriate chews can help prevent dental problems relating to chewing.

Big bones are not always the strongest option. The more weight the bone bears, the stronger the bone; so weight bearing beef bones are often stronger than weight bearing pork bones. When considering the size of a bone, make sure it is not small enough to go past your dog’s back teeth but also not large enough that your dog cannot pick it up.

When dealing with natural chew items, like bones, it is always good to check the label. There may be warnings on the label that can help you decide if a bone will work for your dog. If you are still unsure, ask for help from a Feed Team expert!