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The New Pet Shop

Shop by Pet


Congratulations on adopting your new furry friend! As you experience the joy and excitement of bringing a new pet into your life, Hollywood Feed is here to make the transition easier for both you and your pet. We understand that being a new pet owner can be overwhelming, but we've got you covered with everything you need for a new dog or cat and at the best prices.

With a selection of premium foods, treats, toys, beds, and so much more from a wide variety of reputable, pet-loving brands, you can trust that you are giving your new four legged family member the very best. At Hollywood Feed, we pride ourselves on our customer service. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is always ready to assist you with any questions you may have about products and pet care. We even offer Same Day Delivery; so you can rest easy knowing your order will be delivered promptly.

Whether you are a first time pet parent or welcoming a new addition to the pack, we welcome you to the Hollywood Feed family! We have everything you need to ensure your new fur baby is healthy and comfortable, and we even have checklists for new pets. Please don't hesitate to contact us for help!

Shop by Life Stage

New Dog Necessities

New Cat Necessities

New Pet Checklists


Take advantage of these great deals when you welcome a new dog or cat into your family! LIMIT ONE COUPON PER NEW PET. Must present adoption paperwork and coupon at checkout. Valid IN-STORE only.

15% off purchase of $75 or more up to $30.

*Expires 1/15/2025

$5 Off ID Tag with $60+ Purchase.

*Expires 1/15/2025

ONE FREE 3-4lb of NutriSource or Country Natural Pet Food.