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Same Day Delivery Car

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Meet the Feed Team Pets!



  • Name: Billiam
  • Job Title: CEO
  • Breed: Cat
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: He loves to come to work!
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 08/01/21
  • Weight: 16 lbs


  • Name: Blueberry
  • Job Title: CFO
  • Breed: Long Hair Cat
  • LifeStage: Kitten
  • Fun Fact: He loves to be walked around in his stroller!
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 06/01/24
  • Weight: 10 lbs


  • Name: Toast
  • Job Title: Same Day Delivery Manager
  • Breed: Cat
  • LifeStage: Kitten
  • Fun Fact: She was found at 3 weeks old, so she never learned how to bathe herself so she looks a little disheveled at all times.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 05/15/24
  • Weight: 10 lbs


  • Name: Mango
  • Job Title: Durability Tester
  • Breed: Bird
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: She talks really well, but it is so fast that you can't understand what she says.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 10/21/07
  • Weight: Ounces
  • Feed: Ecotrition Bird seed
  • Toppers: Dried fruits and veggies
  • Toy: Receipt paper


  • Name: Maggie Brownie Martin
  • Job Title: Emotionally Supportive & Calming Executive Assistant
  • Breed: Lovely Memphis Mutt!
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: She is my acquisition puppy. When I was in the weeds of the PetPeople acquisition and could not tell anyone, I was visibly stressed one day and Laura Ross said, "Here, hold a puppy. It'll make your day better." That's the day I decided to adopt Maggie.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 12/26/21
  • Weight: Not sure.


  • Name: Bella
  • Job Title: Being a senior, she loves to eat and sleep so not sure that qualifies her for any job at Hollywood Feed
  • Breed: Cocker Poodle Mix
  • LifeStage: Senior
  • Fun Fact: She scratches the ground after doing her business like a cat.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 05/17/12
  • Weight: 19 lbs


  • Name: Rudy Jell-o Plop Martin
  • Job Title: Chief Disruption Officer
  • Breed: Chihuahua
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: My kiddos wanted a Chihuahua because there was a lady in our old neighborhood who walked past our house every day with her three Chihuahuas, one of which was in a stroller. She made sure to stop by every day after school and they looked forward to it every day.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 02/21/21
  • Weight: 8ish lbs


  • Name: Magpie
  • Job Title: Store Greeter
  • Breed: Boston Terrier
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Magpie will stand on two legs and dance.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 11/16/13
  • Weight: 30 lbs


  • Name: Mille
  • Job Title: Guard/Greeter
  • Breed: Mini Poodle
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Climbs like a goat
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 01/19/20
  • Weight: 11 lbs
The Bear

The Bear

  • Name: The Bear
  • Job Title: Bed Quality Assurance Tester
  • Breed: Boston Terrier
  • LifeStage: Senior
  • Fun Fact: The Bear has many facial expression
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 11/16/10
  • Weight: 30 lbs


  • Name: Zeppelin
  • Job Title: HR Director
  • Breed: Golden Retreiver
  • LifeStage: Puppy
  • Fun Fact: Zepp is not much of a "barker"... yet!
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 11/11/23
  • Weight: 30 lbs


  • Name: Pearl
  • Job Title: Treat Testing
  • Breed: Border Collie Mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Knows how to open doors
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 10/13/18
  • Allergies: Chicken
  • Weight: 48 lbs


  • Name: Bailey
  • Job Title: Taste & Quality control.
  • Breed: Memphis Mutt
  • LifeStage: Puppy
  • Fun Fact: He was the runt of his litter but is bigger than all of his siblings.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 01/06/22
  • Weight: 60 lbs


  • Name: Oakley
  • Job Title: Official Treat Tester
  • Breed: Golden Doodle
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Loves the snow and gives our son horsey rides when he is in the mood.
  • Birth/ Gotcha Day: 08/16/19
  • Weight: 100 lbs


  • Name: Angus
  • Job Title: Security
  • Breed: Red Heeler Mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Before being adopted, his shelter name was Fat Larry because he was the fattest puppy.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 10/15/19
  • Allergies: Pretty much everything. Acid Reflux issues.
  • Weight: 47 lbs
Aristophanes (Toph)

Aristophanes (Toph)

  • Name: Aristophanes
  • Job Title: Director of Irrational Exuberance
  • Breed: Border Collie Mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Toph has an nonnegotiable self-assigned bedtime of 9PM.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 11/12/23
  • Weight: 70 lbs


  • Name: Bohdi
  • Job Title: Therapy counselor
  • Breed: Australian Shepherd & Yellow Lab mix
  • LifeStage: Puppy
  • Fun Fact: Can jump through a space less than 8" high
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 12/28/22
  • Weight: 40 lbs


  • Name: Buffy
  • Job Title: Chief of Body of Water Inspection
  • Breed: Shepherd Mix
  • LifeStage: Puppy
  • Fun Fact: Whenever we let her out of her crate, she gets what we call "Let Out Ears" one forward and one back. Her ears only ever look this way when she comes out of her crate!
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 04/01/23
  • Weight: 66 lbs


  • Name: Shepherd
  • Job Title: Product Tester
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Sometimes at home he can be caught watching New Girl
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 01/07/22
  • Weight: 60 lbs


  • Name: Swayze
  • Job Title: She's too lazy to hold down a job.
  • Breed: Pittie
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Swayze must always bring her favorite people a surprise when greeting them, rather it be a toy or a bone she is currently chewing on.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 08/06/22
  • Weight: 45 lbs


  • Name: June
  • Job Title: Director of Hollywood Feed Glee Club
  • Breed: Catahoula Leopard Dog
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: June loves puppies and is affectionately called "Nanny Dog" by her family. She also sings anytime she hears a long pitched squeaker
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 02/14/18
  • Weight: 58 lbs


  • Name: Taco
  • Job Title: Customer Service Agent
  • Breed: Mini Pit Bull
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Her best friend is her brtoher, Tug, who is a cat.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 12/05/19
  • Weight: 44 lbs


  • Name: Tux
  • Job Title: Entrance Greeter
  • Breed: Sheepadoodle
  • LifeStage: Puppy/Kitten
  • Fun Fact: Gets the coolest mohawk every time he gets groomed.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 04/25/22
  • Weight: 75 lbs


  • Name: Froyo
  • Job Title: Maybe a Toy Merchandiser or a Quality Tester for toys, so that she can test and destroy as much toys as she want and select toys that are really tough
  • Breed: Lab, Terrier Mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: She knows a lot of tricks.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 12/22/21
  • Weight: about 50 lbs


  • Name: Jenga
  • Job Title: Dir of Barketing
  • Breed: Dutch Shepherd/Pitt Bull Mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Her name used to be Chupacabra
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 10/31/20
  • Allergies: Mops
  • Weight: 50 lbs


  • Name: Bear
  • Job Title: Greeter
  • Breed: Labrador Retriever
  • LifeStage: Puppy
  • Fun Fact: He is obsessed with birds. He will sit in the yard and watch them fly over long enough that I'm sure the neighbors think he's broken.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 09/01/23
  • Weight: 65 lbs


  • Name: Cain
  • Job Title: Tough Toy Auditor
  • Breed: Belgian Malinois
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Will crawl in your lap any chance he gets no matter how small the chair
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 06/19/19
  • Allergies: the vacuum
  • Weight: 65 lbs


  • Name: Deus
  • Job Title: Customer Service- He is sweet and caring of others. He would love on our customers.
  • Breed: Mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Deus loves to stare into your eyes to find the perfect time to sneak a kiss.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 04/02/24
  • Allergies: Seasonal only ( No food allergies)
  • Weight: 64 lbs


  • Name: Layda
  • Job Title: Bed and Toy cuddle inspector
  • Breed: basenji/pitbull mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: She's grown up with more cats then dogs, and loves to cuddle. Also an expert at begging for food and treats.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 09/24/16
  • Allergies: Some grass allergies
  • Weight: 40 lbs


  • Name: Cash
  • Job Title: Director of Naps (he's always snoring)
  • Breed: American Pit Bull Terrier/ German Shepherd/ Catahoula Mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: If Cash could speak, he would have the voice and demeanor of Eeyore. Alternate- He knows the names of all of his toys!
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 04/24/17
  • Allergies: chicken, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turkey, wheat
  • Weight: 67 lbs


  • Name: Jett
  • Job Title: Security
  • Breed: Lab Mix
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Half bionic after 2 knee surgeries
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 03/31/20
  • Weight: 80 lbs

Sir Charles "Barkley"

  • Name: Sir Charles "Barkley"
  • Job Title: Treat tester and investigator.
  • Breed: Golden Doodle
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Barkley can give high fives and say his prayers for a treat.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 07/22/22
  • Allergies: Chicken and peanut butter treats.
  • Weight: 55lbs


  • Name: River
  • Job Title: Security Guard
  • Breed: Husky
  • LifeStage: Adult
  • Fun Fact: Completely blind
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 10/01/21
  • Weight: 68 lbs


  • Name: T-Bone
  • Job Title: Bed Tester
  • Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
  • LifeStage: Senior
  • Fun Fact: He has a cute little underbite. Great at catching treats in the air.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 09/26/14
  • Weight: 62 lbs


  • Name: Zero
  • Job Title: Professional Napper or Accounting Paper Sorter
  • Breed: Husky/Heeler Mix
  • LifeStage: Senior
  • Fun Fact: Zero found his way to me by being dumped at our Hollywood Feed Store 020 (Yates) back in 2019.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 08/16/24
  • Weight: 65 lbs


  • Name: LimaBean
  • Job Title: Anything that pays her in treats, but probably testing out Made In South America chews or Made in Mississippi Beds. Or ad model, she takes a pretty good photo as long as the photographer has a biscuit.
  • Breed: Feist Mix
  • LifeStage: Senior
  • Fun Fact: LimaBean chose her own name. We didn't like her foster name and nothing seemed to fit. When I was little the only green thing I would eat was lima beans. We were joking and said "Let's just call the dog LimaBean!" and she perked up and came trotting over like "you called me?", so it stuck. She's been LimaBean ever since, but we also call we Beansley, Beans, or Queen Bean.
  • Birth/Gotcha Day: 03/22/10
  • Allergies: chicken, rice, wheat, lamb, quinoa, grass, pollen, fleas
  • Weight: 26 lbs